Attention Lightworkers: Connect With The Tree Of Life To
Channel Healing Energy For Yourself & The Planet

“As Above, So Below. 
As Within, So 

GAIA Has A Message And A Gift For You Today: Become A 
Channel For The Tree Of Life & Start Healing... 

FROM: Ric & Liz

RE: Limited Time To Reserve YOUR Pendant So You Can Tap Into A Way To Heal Yourself & Heal The Planet Now

Dear Lightworker,

We are writing this quickly as we want to make sure you have a chance to get one of these powerful Tree Of Life pendants boxed up and sent to your doorstep while shipping is still FREE today…
 ...along with two more GIFTS (which we will tell you about in a moment). 

But first we want to make sure you understand why this particular symbol is so important for you to have in your hands at this very moment in time…

Planet Earth is hurting right now. It’s no secret.

People are suffering from bombardment from all sides, taxing their energy and ability to bounce back, because of the state the world is in.

And let’s face it, even if you are a positive person - a Lightworker or Energy Healer - you are still feeling the effects of having to give so much to so many.

You’re feeling worn down, even as you’re trying to help. We get it. That’s why we want to send you...

A magical way to tap into an ancient,
endless energy source...the Tree of Life!

You may feel isolated and alone right now. Cut off from those you normally depend on, and unable to reach out to those you want to help. But remember this.

You are not alone on this planet. You are surrounded by natural entities that hold great power - including the power of healing -

Each of us can be seen as a cell in the interlocked, intelligent system of life that is always trying to bring things back to a healthy state of existence…

This entity as a whole is known as “Gaia”...

And just as you can’t have a strong, healthy person unless you heal their cells, you can’t have a strong planet without healing its inhabitants.

What this means in plain speak is…

You need to focus on replenishing, fortifying your own energy and healing now...and that is truly the best thing you can do for everyone on the planet.

Here’s how.

Heal Yourself, Heal The Planet

Gaia has asked us to create a Sacred Spirit Connection Ritual so you can heal your energy body now, and forge a connection with the Tree of Life.

In fact, when you do this ritual you will be activating a kind of micro-version of the Tree of Life within your own body - known as the Chakras.

As you activate your Chakras and connect your INNER Tree of Life with the OUTER one, you will experience an energetic flow that is powerfully healthy, healing, and at one with the universe!

 When enough people do this, it can strengthen the energy body of the planet.

(And Planet Earth needs as many people as possible to do this at the same time in the coming days).

She also asked us to provide you with a “physical object” to help you connect your inner and outer Tree of Life...and we discovered the perfect thing!
It’s called the Tree of Life Pendant.

Revered as a sacred symbol representing Divine connection for nearly 5000 years, the ancient Tree of Life is now immortalized for your personal use in this beautiful pendant suspended on a chain necklace…
  • Lovingly crafted to represent the multi-faceted aspects of the Tree
  • Bronze plated zinc alloy includes matching chain
  • Intertwined branches and roots represent its connection to the realms above and below
  • ​The perfect combination of Truth and Beauty in one piece!
When you wear this pendant around your neck, or hold it in your hand while listening to the Sacred Spirit Connection Ritual, you will be channeling healing energy two ways:

Inward, to heal yourself through your own “micro” tree of life, and outward, to help heal the planet, through the “macro” Tree of Life!

This important work is why...

We Have Arranged For A Number Of These Tree Of Life Pendants To Be Sent Around The World With Free Shipping, To All Lightworkers Who Say They Are “Ready To Heal And To Help!”

Are you ready to step up and heal yourself, so you can become a channel for healing the planet?

Are you tired of waiting for “someone else” to come fix things, and you’re ready to take action and get things flowing in the right direction?

Do you promise to use this amazing power for the good of all, beginning with yourself and then spreading it out to everyone around you?

If so...

Order your pendant today and we will send you our new Sacred Spirit Connection Meditation, to accompany your Tree of Life Pendant.
It’s called the MIND BODY SPIRIT TREE POWER BRIDGE and it was recorded by our professional spiritual guide Marisa just for this purpose!

The audio will guide you through opening up a channel for healing energy inside your own body, by tapping into your internal “energy tree” (known as the chakras).

This beautiful meditation will also help create a continuous connection between your inner energy and the energy flow in Gaia, using the Tree Of Life pendant as a bridge while you wear it!
But that’s just the beginning. Because, when you order your meditation ritual and pendant today, you will also get full access to a...

SPECIAL BONUS: Try Out Our Energy Banks For Free!

Did you know that there is a secret place where you can go and tap into “stored” sacred Healing and Cleansing energy at any time you need to? It’s called the Cosmic Energy Bank and this is how it works…

The truth is, the Cosmos has an unlimited supply of healing power that certain trained individuals know how to’s called “Reiki” and the most commonly known way of tapping into it is generally through the hands... 
However, most people don’t realize there is also another way of tapping into the Reiki healing power of the Cosmos, and that is through images!...

But not just any images. Certain images that humans have channeled (by tapping into the Energy Field) carry an energetic charge, similar to a battery that has been “powered up” by an unseen force...but only a few people on the planet know how to interpret and access the healing force from these “encoded” images.

Once You’ve Activated Your Inner And Outer Tree Of Life, Tapping Into The Cosmic Energy Banks On A Regular Basis Is The Best Way To Stay Cleansed And Charged Up!

Listen. I believe you were born to be a lightworker and healer of the planet - otherwise you wouldn’t be here today. But you can’t constantly “draw energy” from nowhere, or drain your own supplies. You’re going to need a limitless source of power if you’re going to be doing this work! 

This is why we want to connect you to the “Cosmic Energy Bank” today.  

There are eight complete Storage Banks inside, all focused on tapping into specific energy sources…
Including Banks where you can go in and clear out any Negative Energy, tap into the type of Energy that resonates most with you (for example Chakra Cleansing or Angel Energy)...

You will feel amazing, charge up your reserves, and then be able to send the positive energy you are channeling out into the world, simply because it radiates from your very being. The change you create in yourself and around you as you continue in this important work will be astounding!

The best part is...
You can go in and choose which Energy Bank will best suit your needs at that moment, open it up, and TAP IN, instantly!

For example, if you’re feeling zapped for energy, or are feeling drained by fear and doubt, the De-Stress & Defend energy vault is a great place to go for relief.

Or, maybe you happen to be seeing recurring numbers around you every day - like 11:11, 2:22, or 4:44. Go into the Angel Energy Bank and find out what messages the Angel are sending you, so you can start channeling Angel Energy.

Of course, for the purposes of energizing and activating your “Inner Tree of Life” the Chakra Cleansing and Chakra Healing banks will be key

 SPECIAL NOTE: If you are at an especially difficult time right now in life, or need extra healing, your extra use will NOT affect, hurt, or limit anyone else’s experience. 

This is because our Masters have “programmed” the Energy Bank with the stunning ability to refresh whatever has been “withdrawn” by its users. There is actually no limit to the healing energy the Cosmos can provide (once you know how to access it).  

Normally, access to the Cosmic Energy Banks would cost $19.97 just to get in the doors.

But because you came to this page today, and are on a mission to help heal the planet, we are going to let you get in and tap into them for 7 days straight for no charge. We want to let you try it out and make sure it’s right for you before you continue at the normal fee of $19.97/month.

OH and we almost forgot!!!..

 In addition to your sacred ritual meditation and your beautiful pendant, we will also include a completely FREE GIFT if you can reserve your package today: 
The Living Spirituality Hypnotherapy Session: 
  • Strengthen your spiritual connection to Gaia and the planet
  • Activate your natural healing abilities
  • Connect with the deep peace of the natural world
  • ​Feel more relaxed and happy than you have in months
  • ​Without having to do anything but “press play!”
ALL THIS can be yours when you say YES! And decide to join the Lightworkers of the world today in healing yourself and the planet one activated human being at a time.

Ready to get started?
We’ve created two easy options for you to choose from today, to make sure that you can get everything you need at the price that works for you.

Please click on your preferred package below before you leave this page:

Sacred Energy Ritual Lite Package

Includes Sacred Ritual, Cosmic Energy Banks & Living Spirituality Session 


Sacred Energy Ritual Full Package

Includes Sacred Ritual, Cosmic Energy Banks & Living Spirituality Session 


*Both options include 7-day free trial to the Cosmic Energy Bank to continue at $19.97/mo (easily cancel at any time)
NOTE: If you choose the option without the Pendant, you can still choose another physical object (such as a stone or special necklace) to charge when you do your activation ritual.

Either way, you will be able to awaken your dormant energy centers, connect with Gaia and the Tree of Life, and start channeling positive energy for personal and planetary healing...

But please don’t wait until tomorrow to decide! We don’t know how long this one stockpile of these special Tree Of Life pendants will last.

We want everyone who is ready to heal themselves, heal the earth by becoming a channel for positive Earth Energy today to be able to easily and affordably have access to this extremely powerful and satisfying talisman-and-ritual combination…

So, that’s why we’re bringing this package to you today, with completely FREE shipping - and found a way to make it affordable for anyone.

Please click the package of your choice below so we know whether we should include your pendant or just your rituals and energy banks:

Sacred Energy Ritual Lite Package

Includes Sacred Ritual, Cosmic Energy Banks & Living Spirituality Session 


Sacred Energy Ritual Full Package

Includes Sacred Ritual, Cosmic Energy Banks & Living Spirituality Session 


*Both options include 7-day free trial to the Cosmic Energy Bank to continue at $19.97/mo (easily cancel at any time)
Liz & Ric Thompson
Founders, CosmicVibes &
Thank you!!! We can’t wait to hear how this impacts your life and gives you an immediate sense of strength & connection (even aside from the compliments you’ll get when you wear it)!
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